Here is what's happening with this. The EJBClassLoader you see mentioned in the stack trace is used in many places in the app server. In particular, it (basically) serves as the class loader for an application or module. As such, a given EJBClassLoader would not normally be used to find classes or resources once the corresponding application or module is finished (meaning disabled, undeployed, etc.).
For some reason, this particular EJBClassLoader is still accessible after it supposedly should no longer be used. That's what the "was requested to find resource xxx after done was invoked" message indicates. While this should not happen, the fact that it is happening should not harm anything; when the EJBClassLoader logs this message it does not actually attempt to locate the resource or class mentioned in the exception.
In short, the stack trace looks alarming but, as far as I know, it does not represent a problem that's affecting your app.
- Tim
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