Re: Deploying Rails apps

From: Bill Kocik <>
Date: Sat, 8 Nov 2008 08:52:02 -0500

Thanks very much for your quick answers, Jerome.

On 8 Nov, 2008, at 12:32 AM, Jerome Dochez wrote:

> I don't think there is document, vivek ?

I discovered this morning that the README for the gem found in its
RDoc pages offers a pretty good explanation for what the gem is all

I should have looked there first.

>> 3) Is there some location in a Rails application structure that
>> GlassFish will look for jar files to add to the classpath for that
>> application? War files and exploded Java webapp directories have a
>> WEB-INF/lib directory. Rails apps also have a lib directory, but
>> this is for Ruby libraries. Where in a Rails app can I put
>> application-specific jar files? Is there such a place, or must I
>> place them in the domain/lib directory?
> or glassfish/lib. If those bundles are OSGi bundles, you should
> place them in the modules directory.

Okay, got it. I'm thinking in terms of jar files that would contain
libraries I would want to use from within the Ruby code of my
application (for example, calling Apache HttpClient to access a web
service instead of Mechanize or Net::HTTP). This is good information.
Thanks a bunch.

Bill Kocik