Re: Deploying Rails apps

From: Jerome Dochez <Jerome.Dochez_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 07 Nov 2008 21:32:15 -0800

Bill Kocik wrote:
> I have a few questions surrounding the deployment of Rails apps in v3
> prelude.
> 1) I'm unclear as to whether I should be starting a GlassFish domain
> and deploying my application into it, or using the glassfish_rails
> gem. I'm not really sure what the second option does, or why I might
> choose to use one over the other. Is there a document somewhere that
> will help clear this up?
I don't think there is document, vivek ?
In a nutshell, gem is an application runner, it will run you rails
application but nothing else. If you use the v3 installation, start the
domain and deploy, you can deploy several rails applications (or Java EE
even) concurrently with a different context root, you get access to
different containers like the web or EJB and goodies like the update center.
> 2) If I deploy an app using the glassfish_rails gem, do I still have
> access to the GlassFish admin console?
no, gem is only about running rails applications with no extension or
extra features. You need to use the glassfish installation with a web
container to have access to the console.
> 3) Is there some location in a Rails application structure that
> GlassFish will look for jar files to add to the classpath for that
> application? War files and exploded Java webapp directories have a
> WEB-INF/lib directory. Rails apps also have a lib directory, but this
> is for Ruby libraries. Where in a Rails app can I put
> application-specific jar files? Is there such a place, or must I place
> them in the domain/lib directory?
or glassfish/lib. If those bundles are OSGi bundles, you should place
them in the modules directory.

> Thank you . . .
> --
> Bill Kocik
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