Deploying Rails apps

From: Bill Kocik <>
Date: Sat, 8 Nov 2008 00:25:09 -0500

I have a few questions surrounding the deployment of Rails apps in v3

1) I'm unclear as to whether I should be starting a GlassFish domain
and deploying my application into it, or using the glassfish_rails
gem. I'm not really sure what the second option does, or why I might
choose to use one over the other. Is there a document somewhere that
will help clear this up?

2) If I deploy an app using the glassfish_rails gem, do I still have
access to the GlassFish admin console?

3) Is there some location in a Rails application structure that
GlassFish will look for jar files to add to the classpath for that
application? War files and exploded Java webapp directories have a WEB-
INF/lib directory. Rails apps also have a lib directory, but this is
for Ruby libraries. Where in a Rails app can I put application-
specific jar files? Is there such a place, or must I place them in the
domain/lib directory?

Thank you . . .

Bill Kocik