I just pressed send button before checking my inbox :-)
As I mentioned in that mail, if you want to package your jar files, use
warbler. My mail has links to possible doc sets and getting started and
also glassfish gem docs that you found anyway.
Bill Kocik wrote:
> Thanks very much for your quick answers, Jerome.
> On 8 Nov, 2008, at 12:32 AM, Jerome Dochez wrote:
>> I don't think there is document, vivek ?
> I discovered this morning that the README for the gem found in its
> RDoc pages offers a pretty good explanation for what the gem is all
> about: http://glassfishgem.rubyforge.org/
> I should have looked there first.
>>> 3) Is there some location in a Rails application structure that
>>> GlassFish will look for jar files to add to the classpath for that
>>> application? War files and exploded Java webapp directories have a
>>> WEB-INF/lib directory. Rails apps also have a lib directory, but
>>> this is for Ruby libraries. Where in a Rails app can I put
>>> application-specific jar files? Is there such a place, or must I
>>> place them in the domain/lib directory?
>> or glassfish/lib. If those bundles are OSGi bundles, you should place
>> them in the modules directory.
> Okay, got it. I'm thinking in terms of jar files that would contain
> libraries I would want to use from within the Ruby code of my
> application (for example, calling Apache HttpClient to access a web
> service instead of Mechanize or Net::HTTP). This is good information.
> Thanks a bunch.
> --
> Bill Kocik
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