Re: installing Glassfish on SUSE

From: Kristian Rink <>
Date: Wed, 29 Oct 2008 14:58:48 +0100

Hi there;

vang08 schrieb:
> Thank you for your reply, Kristian.

no problem, you're welcome. :)

> It turns out, this is a SUSE question. I am new to the openSUSE brand of
> Linux, and naively thought that the way to install Glassfish on it is to use
> Sun's Linux-version Glassfish installer. It is not.
> With SUSE, one has to install software using RPM's (.rpm files)--not
> installers.

Not necessarily. Yes - (Open)SuSEs native package format is RPM, like
Ubuntu/Debian uses .deb packages. But that does not necessarily mean you do
_have_ to install all your applications using RPM or .deb packages, you
might as well merrily install glassfish using the "plain Java based
installer" on any of these platforms.

Adding to this, in our (production as well as testing) environment on both
Ubuntu and Solaris, so far I always used to install both JDK and Glassfish
using their "distribution-independent" installer rather than installing the
packages available to Ubuntu. Reasoning for that:

- In most situations, using a "native" installer downloaded off, say,, things tend to be more up-to-date whereas
distribution-specific packages in some cases are a little outdated (i.e.
Ubuntu 8.04 only has Glassfish v2u1 and JDK 1.6.0_06).

- Generally I don't want to have these components under control of the
package manager as I do not want my Glassfish to be, in example,
automatically upgraded along with the base Linux system. :)

As I am not sure whether there are glassfish rpm's available, this might be
the best way to you as well... :)


Kristian Rink
cell    :  +49 176 2447 2771
"we command the system. calling all recievers.
we are noisy people for a better living".
(covenant - "monochrome")