Re: Can't access site on GlassFish outside localhost

From: Kristian Rink <>
Date: Thu, 02 Oct 2008 10:09:27 +0200

Hi there;

xlinuks schrieb:
> if I send them my IP addres + ":8080", it did the trick back in the times
> when I was using tomcat.

Can you try the same right now to see whether it still works with tomcat
using the current configuration? This would be of quite some help to know
whether or not glassfish could be blamed for that, because...

> The connection was DHCP but my ISP decided to make my DHCP modem run in some
> router mode, I'm not sure what that means, so I don't know who's fault that
> is...


If the device used to be a modem initially, chances are your very host did
have the "external" IP address assigned directly in terms of TCP/IP so
accessing your-external-ip:8080 indeed did hit your machine. Switching the
device to router mode, the modem (now router) has the external IP assigned,
while your machine has some LAN IP address assigned to its interface
(according to your screenshot something in the network). This
way, while someone accessing your-external-ip:8080, (s)he involuntarily will
hit the external side of the router (and not your host) and so not reach
your tomcat/glassfish. In terms of security this is a reasonable and good
approach, chances however are you have to somehow "tell" your router to
forward all requests coming to your-external-ip:8080 to
your-internal-host-ip:8080 (not localhost:8080!) to make them reach


To tell whether or not this is the case, please shut down glassfish and try
the same using tomcat. If it won't work with tomcat as well, your router
configuration needs to be modified accordingly. If it works with tomcat, we
have to check glassfish... but I really think, according to your
description, that it's a router configuration issue...


Kristian Rink
cell    :  +49 176 2447 2771
"we command the system. calling all recievers.
we are noisy people for a better living".
(covenant - "monochrome")