> how to deploy a ear file in a stand alone instance of Glassfish server through asadmin utility
> Please help if there is any documentation is availble
> I created a stand alone instance fasttrack.In this instance through the gui each and every options like jms config,jdbc config,applications are available.
I am not sure I get your problem. The following command should work.
asadmin deploy --target fasttrack /home/whoever/yourapp.ear
It might be necessary to add the host and port number of your DAS:
asadmin deploy --host DAS_HOST --port DAS_PORT --target fasttrack
If this is not what you need, could you please give more details about
your setup?
For more information about the deploy command you could also use
asadmin help deploy
or go to this web page:
Wolfram Rittmeyer
> How to deploy the ear to the instance
> through asadmin command deploy.
> Is there any specific asadmin deploy command is there for deploying ear in instance.
> [Message sent by forum member 'easyriders' (easyriders)]