ClassNotFound MainWithModuleSupport

From: David Goodenough <>
Date: Mon, 4 Aug 2008 14:56:17 +0100

I am getting an odd error when trying to start an application client using
javaws. I am using Java-6, and Glassfish v2ur2-b04.

I made some changes to my code, but did not change the infrastructure,
that is to say the version of java, the glassfish code, or any of the xml
files or the build file. I do verify my ear file in my ant build script and
while it finds two warnings (about native methods in
sun.awt.image.codec.JPEGImageDecoderImp, although I do not actually
directly use this class). These warnings were present before this change
and did not seem to make any difference.

But now when I start javaws it downloads the application, and then
up pops this exception saying the URLClassLoader can not find

Most of the changes I made were just logic changes in my code, but one
of them I suppose might have changed something - I added an @PostConstruct
method to my EJB. But I still get this error even though I have now removed
that method.

I have tried removing the application from the javaws viewer, and then
letting it reload in its entirity, but no joy.

Anyone got any ideas?
