Re: RE: GlassFish domains on same server under own unix user credetials?

From: <>
Date: Wed, 13 Aug 2008 12:03:37 PDT

I have got it working on test environment as planed. Satisfaction is not the best description for it. The amount of memorizing and tricks is above of reasonable use. So configuration will not be deployed in real environent.
> how is the common administration GUI working for you.
It does not. For each DNS doain I still need to do bunch of manual work. Beginning from creation of NA. That is "native" GF feature. And there are some extra steps towards it's insolation on system level. Alltogether is too complex.

> how the common Admin GUI isn't stomping on the local instances
It does, but each NA has own admin, and it's passwords are not shared.
So you can not alter someone else's NA. At least I have been thiking that way.

The showstopper for me was not lack of this feature, but number of steps in comparison to alternative solution(Apache+Tomcat). It is significantly more.

If someone interested, details come with beer (somewhere in Valley).
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