Re: "Modularization of GlassFish using OSGi" one pager available for review

From: Sahoo <Sahoo_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 17 Jul 2008 23:28:52 -0700

Nazrul Islam wrote:
> Sahoo wrote:
>> [1]
> Thanks for starting this thread. Here are some comments...
> 1) Section 2.2 and 4.12 mentions GFv3 class loaders hierarchy. Could
> you please specify (or refer to) the hierarchy?
I considered that to be an implementation detail, hence it was
intentionally left out of the one-pager. The class loader hierarchy for
implementation module follows OSGi R4 spec. So, no classpath prefix
We will try to implement application class loader such that it provides
(as much as possible) similar behavior as v2 with the following
difference: no implementation classes will be automatically available to
deployed applications.
> 2) Section 3.1 alludes to sophisticated (hot) upgrading/patching
> support. Could you please specify what will be available for GFv3
> Prelude?
> 3) Section 4.7 talks about new administration commands. This is not
> specified in the Administration Infrastructure spec. Could you please
> refer (or specify) the new command(s) and expected behavior?
I expect commands to be very similar to what is available in Felix shell
which look like this:

headers [<id> ...] - display bundle header properties.
install <URL> [<URL> ...] - install bundle(s).
packages [<id> ...] - list exported packages.
ps [-l | -s | -u] - list installed bundles.
refresh [<id> ...] - refresh packages.
resolve [<id> ...] - attempt to resolve the specified
services [-u] [-a] [<id> ...] - list registered or used services.
start <id> [<id> <URL> ...] - start bundle(s).
stop <id> [<id> ...] - stop bundle(s).
uninstall <id> [<id> ...] - uninstall bundle(s).
update <id> [<URL>] - update bundle.

I am hoping Admin spec to provide further details. This need not be done
for Prelude as we have an alternative solution available in the form of
Felix shell. More over, this can always be done as an additional module
and made available in UC.

Thanks for your comments; I will incorporate them after the review
period expires.

> Thanks.