installation problem

From: <>
Date: Thu, 17 Jul 2008 23:43:01 PDT

Hi I'm new at all this and am need of help.

I'm running ubuntu 8.04 with netbeans 6.1 and glassfish v2.

Now I have had glassfish working fine when I was running under windows but no luck with ubuntu. I am assuming there is some tinkering needed.

My web application project indicates that the server is missing so I attempt to resolve this.

Add Server > GlassFish V2 >
Platform Location: /usr/share/glassfishv2
Create Personal Domain - Profile Default >
Domain Folder: /home/glenn/Programming/MyDomain >
Admin Username: *** Admin Password: *** > Finish


Dialog box - "Delete the invalid registered domain: "GlassFish V2"
Output - Domain Creation Results
Please, wait while the domain is being created...
Using port 4911 for Admin.
Using port 8143 for HTTP Instance.
Using port 7739 for JMS.
Using port 3763 for IIOP.
Using port 8244 for HTTP_SSL.
Using port 3883 for IIOP_SSL.
Using port 3983 for IIOP_MUTUALAUTH.
Using port 8749 for JMX_ADMIN.
Domain being created with profile:cluster, as specified by variable AS_ADMIN_PROFILE in configuration file.
Security Store uses: JKS
CLI130 Could not create domain, MyDomain
keytool error: Invalid keystore format

Where have I gone wrong?
Any help is greatly appriciated

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