Re: CometHandler#onInterrupt() incompatibility

From: Jeanfrancois Arcand <Jeanfrancois.Arcand_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 16 Jul 2008 11:31:46 -0400


Leonid Mokrushin wrote:
> Great news, Jeanfrancois! Thanx!
> Can you tell which version of Glassfish v2 and/or v3 will contain the
> fix?

v2.1 b41 contains the fix.


-- Jeanfrancois

> /Leonid
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jeanfrancois.Arcand_at_Sun.COM [mailto:Jeanfrancois.Arcand_at_Sun.COM]
> Sent: Monday, July 07, 2008 18:56
> To:
> Subject: Re: CometHandler#onInterrupt() incompatibility
> Salut,
> I've just fixed the issue. I'm surprised I didn't wakes up earlier about
> the problem ;-) The real issue is described here:
> ("ASQuickStartup breaks SocketChannel.keyFor(), returning null instead
> of the SelectionKey")
> which breaks FF3 if I don't add a workaround in Grizzly.
> Thanks!
> -- Jeanfrancois
> Jeanfrancois Arcand wrote:
>> Salut,
>> before this thread die (and I will probably forgot to test it), I've
>> filled:
>> to track the issue. I will take a look soon.
>> Thanks!
>> -- Jeanfrancois
>> Jeanfrancois Arcand wrote:
>>> Salut,
>>> Leonid Mokrushin wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>>> Hum...which OS are you using on the server side and which browser?
>>>> I've just tested with Firefox on MacOS and v3 (not tp2, but current
>>>> release) on the Ubuntu. I've also tested with ur2 b4 on the same
>>>> setup and it works.
>>>> I have retested the following code on both Windows XP(jdk1.6.0_06)
>>>> and Ubuntu 7.10(jdk1.6.0_03) server on v2ur2b04 and v3tp2 and none
>>>> of them worked (I never get "onInterrupt" message). I'm using
>>>> Firefox3b5 on Windows as a browser.
>>> OK let me try that. I'm on the road this week (doing Comet talks :-))
>>> but as soon as I've time, I will test with you configuration.
>>> Thanks!
>>> -- Jeanfrancois
>>>> import;
>>>> import;
>>>> import javax.servlet.ServletConfig;
>>>> import javax.servlet.ServletException; import
>>>> javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet; import
>>>> javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
>>>> import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
>>>> import com.sun.enterprise.web.connector.grizzly.comet.CometContext;
>>>> import com.sun.enterprise.web.connector.grizzly.comet.CometEngine;
>>>> import com.sun.enterprise.web.connector.grizzly.comet.CometEvent;
>>>> import com.sun.enterprise.web.connector.grizzly.comet.CometHandler;
>>>> public class CometTest extends HttpServlet {
>>>> private String contextPath;
>>>> public void init(ServletConfig config) throws ServletException {
>>>> super.init(config);
>>>> contextPath = config.getServletContext().getContextPath() +
>>>> "/comet";
>>>> CometEngine cometEngine = CometEngine.getEngine();
>>>> CometContext context = cometEngine.register(contextPath);
>>>> context.setExpirationDelay(-1);
>>>> context.setBlockingNotification(true);
>>>> }
>>>> protected void doGet(final HttpServletRequest request,
>>>> HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
>>>> CometEngine cometEngine = CometEngine.getEngine();
>>>> CometContext cometContext =
>>>> cometEngine.getCometContext(contextPath);
>>>> response.setContentType("text/plain");
>>>> response.getWriter().flush();
>>>> TerminalHandler handler = new TerminalHandler();
>>>> handler.attach(response.getWriter());
>>>> cometContext.addCometHandler(handler);
>>>> }
>>>> class TerminalHandler implements CometHandler<PrintWriter> {
>>>> private PrintWriter writer;
>>>> public void attach(PrintWriter writer) {
>>>> this.writer = writer;
>>>> }
>>>> public void onEvent(CometEvent event) throws IOException {
>>>> System.out.println("onEvent");
>>>> }
>>>> public void onInitialize(CometEvent event) throws
> IOException {
>>>> System.out.println("onInitialize");
>>>> }
>>>> public void onInterrupt(CometEvent event) throws IOException
> {
>>>> System.out.println("onInterrupt");
>>>> }
>>>> public void onTerminate(CometEvent event) throws IOException
> {
>>>> System.out.println("onTerminate");
>>>> }
>>>> }
>>>> }
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: Jeanfrancois.Arcand_at_Sun.COM
>>>> [mailto:Jeanfrancois.Arcand_at_Sun.COM] Sent: Friday, May 30, 2008
>>>> 17:14
>>>> To:
>>>> Subject: Re: CometHandler#onInterrupt() incompatibility
>>>> Salut,
>>>> Leonid Mokrushin wrote:
>>>>> My application is dependent on the fact of detecting the loss of
>>>>> the connection during the long-polling or streaming comet request.
>>>>> As far as I understand the onInterrupt() method of the CometHandler
>>>>> is supposed to be called in such cases.
>>>> Indeed.
>>>> And it is very easy to test it by just pressing
>>>>> the stop button in the browser. I noticed that in Glassfish v2ur2
>>>>> as well as v3tp2 the method is not called however in v2.1b35 it is.
>>>> Hum...which OS are you using on the server side and which browser?
>>>> I've just tested with Firefox on MacOS and v3 (not tp2, but current
>>>> release) on the Ubuntu. I've also tested with ur2 b4 on the same
>>>> setup and it works.
>>>> I guess
>>>>> not handling of this event may be used for DoS attacks as well as
>>>>> cause problems for applications like mine. Is it supposed to be
>>>>> fixed in v3 and/or v2 later on?
>>>> Can you send me a test case that reproduce the problem?
>>>> Thanks!
>>>> -- Jeanfrancois
>>>>> Thanx
>>>>> /Leonid Mokrushin
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