Re: (mod_jk?) ClientAbortException again.

From: Jeanfrancois Arcand <Jeanfrancois.Arcand_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 11 Jul 2008 10:38:09 -0400


sorry for the delay.

Kristian Rink wrote:
> Salut Jeanfrancois;
> and first off, thanks loads for your ongoing support on that... Somehow
> I still have hope to get this one resolved this time. :)
> Jeanfrancois Arcand schrieb:
>> OK you are using mod_proxy. Can you share you config file? I'm just
>> curious to to see if that could be the problem.
> The mod_proxy configuration itself is pretty much straightforward, I
> followed several reverse-proxy-setup instructions on that, here:
> [--/etc/apache2/mods-enabled/proxy.conf---]
> ProxyRequests Off
> <Proxy our.external.ip.addr >
> Order deny,allow
> Deny from all
> </Proxy>
> ProxyVia Off
> [--/--]
> The apache2 virtual host in question for this has the following
> proxying-related configuration:
> [--/etc/apache2/sites-enabled/main--]
> ProxyPreserveHost On
> ProxyPass /webprojekt/
> ProxyPassReverse /webprojekt/
> ProxyPass /web/
> ProxyPassReverse /web/
> [--/--]
> We do have, as a matter of fact, mod_jk enabled on our apache2 to front
> another application which still runs tomcat but there aren't any mod_jk
> / worker / JkMount configurations for any glassfish related resources...
>>> Another thing however is that we're using Spring MVC in this app, but I
>>> so far am unaware that Spring comes pre-packaged with tomcat code - I'll
>>> better check that, just to make sure...
>> Can you share your domain.xml? If you can't send it publicly, just send
>> it to jfarcand at apache dot org and I will take a look.
> No problem, got it attached after X'ing out the only thing I so far
> consider somehow sensible in there (our JDBC environment). Thanks a
> bunch in advance for taking care of this...

I've replicated your environment bu wasn't able to reproduce the
problem. But one thing I noticed is the <http-listener
acceptor-threads="5".... let the acceptor-threads value equals to 1.
That property is not well tested and I suspect that could be the issue.
Instead, just increase:

<request-processing ...thread-count="60"/>

Let me know what you get.


-- Jeanfrancois

> [apache2 responses]
>> OK let me know what those folks thinks :-)
> Nothing so far, unfortunately. :( As a matter of fact I have seen the
> same outcome earlier trying to resolve the same problem related to our
> tomcat6 installation and never really got over it up to now... :/
> Anyway, thanks a bunch for your patience, best regards from
> Dresden/Germany...
> Kristian