Re: (mod_jk?) ClientAbortException again.

From: Kristian Rink <>
Date: Mon, 14 Jul 2008 09:21:31 +0200

Salut Jeanfrancois;

and first off thanks a bunch for your message.

Jeanfrancois Arcand schrieb:
> sorry for the delay.

No problem at all - too glad seeing you help sorting this thing out. :)

> I've replicated your environment bu wasn't able to reproduce the
> problem. But one thing I noticed is the <http-listener
> acceptor-threads="5".... let the acceptor-threads value equals to 1.
> That property is not well tested and I suspect that could be the issue.
> Instead, just increase:
> <request-processing ...thread-count="60"/>
> Let me know what you get.

Changed it, seems to some degree indeed have improved things about this
confusing issue, thanks a bunch for pointing me here. :) Sadly however
it's not completely resolved yet, still the ClientAbortException does
pop up once in a while (well, actually 37 times this very morning
between 7:45 and 8:45 ...). Only similarity to be found is that all
users affected by this thing seem to use MSIE (5.0 .. 7.something). I
will see whether I can do some more debugging on our firewall/proxy
machines to maybe get better track of this problem...

Anyway thanks a load for your help on that, much appreciated. :)
Cheers, have a good new week...

Kristian Rink * *
jab: * icq: 48874445 * fon: ++49 176 2447 2771 "One
dreaming alone, it will be only a dream; many dreaming together is the
beginning of a new reality." (Hundertwasser)