I cant seem to get FORM based auth to work.
Here's what I've done:
1) In my web.xml:
<web-resource-name>Entire Application</web-resource-name>
<description />
2) In GlassFish I made the secutiry realm "oracleRealm" and refer to the connection pool "oracle". This connection pool I can ping, so I guess its working. The security realm has the digest algorithm MD5, so I've put a MD5 password in my database.
3) Here's my login html:
<form method="POST" action="j_security_check">
<tr><td><input type="text" name="j_username"></td><td><input type="password" name="j_password"></td></tr>
<input type="submit" />
4) I've also put an sub-web.xml in WEB-INF:
I always get this: Cannot validate user [marcel] for JDBC realm.|#]
In my Oracle database statistics I cannot see any query to the table groups or user.
What am I missing here? Any way for me to debug this? Can I switch to BASIC auth just to get some more info?
I'm really lost here.
[Message sent by forum member 'marcelkoopman' (marcelkoopman)]