Re: appservAgentService.exe not functional on Windows 2003

From: Ryan de Laplante <>
Date: Fri, 30 May 2008 15:06:24 -0400

Agreed. Here is what Sun did about this issue:

> I hear what you are saying but I'd disagree - the J2EE bundle
> installer has a checkbox to install a Windows service. One would
> expect that since a Windows Service is an option it will work (keep
> the process running regardless if the user is logged in or not) and
> that any engineering and/or configuration necessary to make it work
> would be there (-Xrs) or the option wouldn't be there (this is after
> all a production release). Hence it's an application issue not a VM
> issue.
> Because you mention Tomcat I'll add that when you install Tomcat you
> have an option for a Windows service - which if you choose to install
> will keep the VM running Tomcat running even after you log out (as
> you'd expect). So no, from a user's perspective it won't happen to
> Tomcat because the service installer/native service app (which BTW is
> not Java Service wrapper) works as advertised and who ever wrote it
> did what was necessary (-Xrs perhaps) to make it so.
> BTW - I found your blog about this issue very educational - but it's
> def. not an issue a user like yourself should have had to deal with on
> a platform advertised as supported.