Re: SJSAS 9.1 UR2 won't start anymore?

From: Ryan de Laplante <>
Date: Mon, 05 May 2008 15:00:35 -0400

I opened domain.xml in NetBeans, added a letter then pressed save. I
removed the letter, saved again, then started the app server. It
started, but gave me a ton of other errors. This time it turns out my
DHCP lease expired and I got a new IP address. For some reason I had my
host name and old IP in hosts file, so app server couldn't connect to

Still, I wonder why the domain.xml file got corrupted?? Crazy. I hope
this doesn't happen when we install UR2 into production.


Ryan de Laplante wrote:
> I installed UR2 on my dev laptop a few days ago, did a build,
> deployed, and everything worked fine. Today I tried to start the app
> server from NetBeans and get this error:
>> Starting Domain domain1, please wait.
>> Log redirected to D:\Program
>> Files\Sun\AppServer91UR2\domains\domain1\logs\server.log.
>> Error refreshing ConfigContext:D:\Program
>> Files\Sun\AppServer91UR2\domains\domain1\config\domain.xml
>> cause: Failed to create the XML-DOM Document. Check your XML to make
>> sure it is correct.
>> Invalid byte 1 of 1-byte UTF-8 sequence.
> When I try from the command line:
>> D:\Program Files\Sun\AppServer91UR2\bin>.\asadmin start-domain domain1
>> Starting Domain domain1, please wait.
>> Log redirected to D:\Program
>> Files\Sun\AppServer91UR2\domains\domain1\logs\serve
>> r.log.
>> Error refreshing ConfigContext:D:\Program
>> Files\Sun\AppServer91UR2\domains\domai
>> n1\config\domain.xml
>> cause: Failed to create the XML-DOM Document. Check your XML to make
>> sure it is
>> correct.
>> Invalid byte 1 of 1-byte UTF-8 sequence.
>> CLI156 Could not start the domain domain1.
> The server.log doesn't show anything since I had it running 6 days
> ago. I have not touched the app server, so have no idea what's wrong.
> Thanks,
> Ryan
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