we have a new users list for Comet and Web related technologies. I'm
cc-ing them :-)...and a soon a project called :-) wrote:
> I am currently proposing Architecture based on Comet on Glassfish for an enterprise application.
One of the nice feature in GF is Comet. I looked at few comet samples
like chat, echo etc on GF. My question how can I expose changes in other
enterprise components, for example, ejb3.0 to be pushed to the client
which uses Dojo cometd?
From a non web component, there is two ways to interact with a
(1) Pushing data from your external component (like an ejb).
From you external component, get a reference to the CometContext you
are interested for. For example, you can have that code snippet inside
your ejb:
CometContext ctx = CometEngine.getEngine().getCometContext("foo");
ctx.notify(...some data from you ejb...);
By calling notify(), all CometHandler registered to the CometContext
will receive the data. Hence, all web client will be updated from/by
your ejb.
(2) Register a CometHandler to be notified when push operations happens.
As an example, from your ejb you can do:
CometContext ctx = CometEngine.getEngine().getCometContext("foo");
ctx.addCometHandler(this); //assuming your ejb implements CometHandler
Now every time data is pushed, you ejb will be notified.
I will give a demo of a database that updates web clients (and clients
that update the db using comet) at CommunityOne if you can come:
It does (1) and (2) :-)
</shameless- plug>
> I did not find any extension point in com.sun.grizzly.cometd.servlet.CometdServlet! Is there any other way which I missed? I read through most of your blogs but not able to find an answer for the above question. Basically I am looking for integration point using which I can hook messages from other entity componets which detect the data to be pushed to the client.
Something Jetty have and we don't right now is a way to send json/bayeux
messages from an external component like that:
We are working on it, but right now if you are planning to use
cometd/bayeux, just register your CometHandler to:
CometContext ctx = CometEngine.getEngine().getCometContext("/cometd");
This company:
is using this approch for it product and it seems to work fine :-)
Hopefully the above will help :-)
-- Jeanfrancois
> Please guide me on this. Expecting reply.
> Thanks in Advance,
> Senthilkumar.
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