Re: Web app stops responding to requests, admin console works fine

From: Ryan de Laplante <>
Date: Wed, 23 Apr 2008 09:41:32 -0400

>> Short of changing the OS, the workaround and Microsoft patches did
>> not solve the issue for us.
> Microsoft haven't yet released any patches for that...guess they don't
> think it's serious enough (LOL) :-)
I think there are two issues. The one that Sun people have described to
me requires a reboot. We encounter this every few months. Restarting
GlassFish doesn't work, the database server can't be accessed anymore
and restarting it doesn't work either. Only a reboot resolves the problem.

The second issue can be resolved by restarting the app server Windows
service. I wonder if the Microsoft patch solves the first issue.

I also have suspicions that the problem is caused by my own code. You
might remember that we have a JCA connector, and over 100 Connection
Pools to communicate with EIS's all over the continent. Originally we
had the timeout set to 5 minutes, and minimum pool size set to 1. It
was opening and closing connections a lot, and we had this NP Pool
problem every couple days. When I changed the timeout to 24 hours, we
could last a couple weeks before NP Pool problems. I sent you or Sun
the source code to the JSock library hoping you would be able to confirm
it is my fault, and what the problem is. The support rep said nobody
looked at my sources because a different customer provided a full app
for Sun to reproduce the issue. I still am wondering if my own app is
causing these leaks. It would be good for me and Sun to know this,
since so few people are reporting the issue. It is possible that all of
us have our own nio socket code causing these troubles.

>> Use Windows Vista or Windows XP.
> Exactly.
Can you recommend a server OS that you know for sure doesn't have this
problem? Changing OS's will cost us money and we need to make sure we
choose one that does not have this problem.

>>> Windows bug. Microsoft has some patches to try and solve it, but
>>> none of them have worked for us. They also said we are one of only
>>> two customers who have reported this issue and they are having
>>> difficulty reproducing it. The other customer recently submitted
>>> the source to their full app to help Sun and Microsoft reproduce the
>>> issue.
> Ha...I didn't know it was your customer :-)
The other customer I was referring to is a Sun customer. We don't know
who they are, just that they are experiencing this same issue and have
been working with Sun and Microsoft longer than us to have the Microsoft
patch created.

> Well, your explanation describe exactly what is the problem :-)
> A+
> - Jeanfrancois
