Re: How to use JMF in GlassFish?

From: Markus KARG <>
Date: Sat, 19 Apr 2008 17:53:04 +0200


thanks for your kind answer. :-)

Unfortunately, the reason why we are using JMF at all, in fact is that
we are doing video capturing from USB Cam. Sad but true, this is
(certainly) only possible using the Windows Acceleration Pack. The cross
platform implementation cannot access video cameras, since there is no
support for such devices in Java SE. :-(

I wonder why Sun Microsystems didn't add a specification compliant
extension declaration into the JAR. I tried asking them, but their JMF
feedback link is broken and I think they won't change it (and even if
they do, it wouldn't be there in time -- I need it in two weeks running
at the customer's site).


Tim Quinn schrieb:
> Hello, Markus.
> Markus KARG wrote:
>> I need to use JMF (Java Media Framework) in my Java EE Client
>> Application.
>> While the JMF website says, JMF is an Optional Package, I do not see
>> any MANIFEST.MF inside of jmf.jar.
>> So I cannot use Extension-List in my Client Application JAR.
>> On the other hand, I cannot add JMF into my EAR as a utility library,
>> because JMF gets installes by a proprietrary, platform dependent
>> installer and there is no list what JARs belong to JMF (also I think
>> that is makes heavy use of native, Windows specific DLLs).
>> So what to do? I MUST use JMF in my Java EE Client Application.
> I do not know much at all about JMF, only what I've read on the web
> site in the last few minutes!
> I downloaded the cross-platform distribution and, like you, found no
> manifest in the JAR. Is it possible that the platform-specific
> performance packs affect this at all? (I did not download any to look.)
> Again, speaking mostly from ignorance here, did you try including the
> cross-platform jmf.jar in your EAR's library directory, without
> dealing with any of the platform-specific bits? If the
> platform-specifics are truly performance improvements that take
> advantage of their respective operating system features, then this
> might work.
> From a quick search, it seems that there are some features that the
> cross-platform distribution does not support. Do you need to use any
> of those?
> (
> - Tim
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