Re: How to use JMF in GlassFish?

From: Tim Quinn <Timothy.Quinn_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Sat, 19 Apr 2008 10:46:31 -0500

Hello, Markus.

Markus KARG wrote:
> I need to use JMF (Java Media Framework) in my Java EE Client
> Application.
> While the JMF website says, JMF is an Optional Package, I do not see
> any MANIFEST.MF inside of jmf.jar.
> So I cannot use Extension-List in my Client Application JAR.
> On the other hand, I cannot add JMF into my EAR as a utility library,
> because JMF gets installes by a proprietrary, platform dependent
> installer and there is no list what JARs belong to JMF (also I think
> that is makes heavy use of native, Windows specific DLLs).
> So what to do? I MUST use JMF in my Java EE Client Application.
I do not know much at all about JMF, only what I've read on the web site
in the last few minutes!

I downloaded the cross-platform distribution and, like you, found no
manifest in the JAR. Is it possible that the platform-specific
performance packs affect this at all? (I did not download any to look.)

Again, speaking mostly from ignorance here, did you try including the
cross-platform jmf.jar in your EAR's library directory, without dealing
with any of the platform-specific bits? If the platform-specifics are
truly performance improvements that take advantage of their respective
operating system features, then this might work.

 From a quick search, it seems that there are some features that the
cross-platform distribution does not support. Do you need to use any of
those? (

- Tim