Would you consider this approach (and it seems as if it should work but
I have not tried it):
1. You would construct your own optional extension JAR, with a correct
extension identification in its manifest.
2. Your extension JAR's manifest would specify the JMF JAR(s) in its
Class-Path entry.
3. Your application would indicate a dependency, using Extension-List,
on your optional extension JAR.
Unless I'm missing something obvious, I agree that it's not clear why
the JMF JAR(s) do not declare the extension information in their
manifests - it's truly odd that the JMF.jar does not include a manifest
at all. Perhaps there is a reason. Does the platform accelerator pack
add any JAR(s) that contain manifests which declare extension
information? (You've probably already checked but I wanted to make sure
we covered that point.)
- Tim
Markus KARG wrote:
> Tim,
> thanks for your kind answer. :-)
> Unfortunately, the reason why we are using JMF at all, in fact is that
> we are doing video capturing from USB Cam. Sad but true, this is
> (certainly) only possible using the Windows Acceleration Pack. The
> cross platform implementation cannot access video cameras, since there
> is no support for such devices in Java SE. :-(
> I wonder why Sun Microsystems didn't add a specification compliant
> extension declaration into the JAR. I tried asking them, but their JMF
> feedback link is broken and I think they won't change it (and even if
> they do, it wouldn't be there in time -- I need it in two weeks
> running at the customer's site).
> Thanks
> Markus
> Tim Quinn schrieb:
>> Hello, Markus.
>> Markus KARG wrote:
>>> I need to use JMF (Java Media Framework) in my Java EE Client
>>> Application.
>>> While the JMF website says, JMF is an Optional Package, I do not see
>>> any MANIFEST.MF inside of jmf.jar.
>>> So I cannot use Extension-List in my Client Application JAR.
>>> On the other hand, I cannot add JMF into my EAR as a utility
>>> library, because JMF gets installes by a proprietrary, platform
>>> dependent installer and there is no list what JARs belong to JMF
>>> (also I think that is makes heavy use of native, Windows specific
>>> DLLs).
>>> So what to do? I MUST use JMF in my Java EE Client Application.
>> I do not know much at all about JMF, only what I've read on the web
>> site in the last few minutes!
>> I downloaded the cross-platform distribution and, like you, found no
>> manifest in the JAR. Is it possible that the platform-specific
>> performance packs affect this at all? (I did not download any to look.)
>> Again, speaking mostly from ignorance here, did you try including the
>> cross-platform jmf.jar in your EAR's library directory, without
>> dealing with any of the platform-specific bits? If the
>> platform-specifics are truly performance improvements that take
>> advantage of their respective operating system features, then this
>> might work.
>> From a quick search, it seems that there are some features that the
>> cross-platform distribution does not support. Do you need to use any
>> of those?
>> (http://java.sun.com/products/java-media/jmf/2.1.1/formats.html)
>> - Tim
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