Re: Why is MDB not firing?

From: Markus KARG <>
Date: Thu, 10 Apr 2008 11:40:42 +0200

Ramesh Parthasarathy schrieb:
> Hi Markus,
> From what i can interpret from the output looks like you have one
> consumer, I guess "Aktuelle Zahl Konsumenten 1" means one consumer.
> Which means any message to this topic should be received by the MDB
> (assuming MDB is the only consumer you have).
> Can you undeploy the MDB and check if the swing client is actually
> sending the message to this destination where the MDB is listening to.
> Are QUIPSY_TOPIC and MY_TOPIC the same destination ?
Yes, "Aktuelle Zahl Konsumenten 1" means that there is only one
consumer. I undeployed the MDB and the number now is zero.

There is only one physical destination "QUIPSY_TOPIC" (Topic) besides
mq.sys.dmq, and I now have aligned all names to be QUIPSY_TOPIC (no more
using MY_TOPIC now).

Still the same behaviour. No exception. No error message. Nothing.

