Hello, I am a student freshly got out of school (FRENCH engineering school), currently interning in a small company.
We have to develop a web application to handle our collaborators bills, wages .....
We are a company of around 100 collaborators and so far the application uses struts + hibernate and run under an apache tomcat server.
I have to make a study about what are the real application servers J2EE open source and which one we should use in the future.
I come up with that conclusion but I may say wrong things so please correct me:
The study was around these products:
Glassfish is really an application server that is going up. With its new version V2, its performances got improves a lot and now it can rivalize with Apache Tomcat response times and this server is well known for its lightness.
The fact that GlassFish is supported by Sun garantees it to be very close of the standarts and as a matter of fact , the next version V3 will be Java EE 6 certified.
It has like Geronimo a very complete administration console contrary to Jboss.
Moreover, GlassFish is much more popular than Geronimo (see Google Trends).
Geronimo is still young and this little guy is not mature enough to adopt it for a long run.
It is Websphere version base and its limit can be felt quite soon.
Jonas , althought it has a complete french documentation is shutting down and choose this server could be risky. Indeed, it has been given up by Red Hat and it's not available anymore in Sue and Red Har Linux distributions.
Please , feel free to add any comment and correct me.
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