Re: RFH: automated mail processing?

From: Kristian Rink <>
Date: Wed, 09 Jan 2008 21:40:16 +0100

Florent, Markus;

first off, thank you both very much for your interesting input on this

Markus KARG schrieb:
> (1) Java EE allows you to query for a JavaMail resource. Using that, you
> can check your mail inbound using POP3. If you do that in a timer (e. g.
> from inside a MDB) it should be no problem to regulary process your mail
> inbound.

Yes I considered doing so but I do want to keep my application from
polling external mail resources.

> (2) Java EE allows you to attach to a JavaConnector. There should be
> SMTP connectors on the market that serve as SMTP receivers and push a
> MDB in your application.
> Either way, as soon as an email was processed, an MDB will be
> triggered.

That's more the kind of solution I had in mind indeed. Actually, the
connector idea was the piece missing in my mental conception here. So
far I was playing with apache james in a testbed system, and even though
it's a rather usable piece of code, I am missing a real "standard" Java
EE integration and I am not aware of it having something like JCA
support for this very task.

> Just tell me how urgent you need it. I paused the project until I find
> someone that is willing to test... :-)

I will have a look at it. How stable is this code of yours in this
project? As long as I am in the process of evaluating things, breaking
my environment once in a while surely won't hurt... ;)

Cheers & thanks again,