Re: glassfish in production - is it really free ?

From: Alexis Moussine-Pouchkine <>
Date: Wed, 19 Dec 2007 10:04:09 +0100

Kristian Rink wrote:
> Alexis;
> first off, thanks a lot for your hints on that.
> Am Wed, 19 Dec 2007 08:19:42 +0100
> schrieb Alexis Moussine-Pouchkine <>:
>> app server configuration, ...). So if you can afford to start from
>> SJS AS in production from day 1, today, that would make it easier
>> for you to work with support wrt patches.
> What does "if you can afford" mean, in this context?

*terrible* choice of vocabulary on my part!
__SJS AS is free to use__
We monetize with services: support, consulting & training.


> It's definitely not that I want to use "free of charge" software in our
> environment; we do have a certain budget planning of course also
> including money to be spent on software, services and education. But so
> far I can't see how to spend money on SJS AS or glassfish even if I
> wanted to... Can someone of the Sun folks set me straight on that? Feel
> free to contact me personally if that might be off-topic here. :)
> Asides that, however: The chance to start with glassfish+NetBeans
> (open-source) and then move to, say, SJS AS + NetBeans in our case is
> the major argument to go for the Sun JEE container in favour of some
> other environments we have tested so far.
> Thanks and best regards,
> Kristian