Re: glassfish in production - is it really free ?

From: Kristian Rink <>
Date: Wed, 19 Dec 2007 09:23:19 +0100

Am Tue, 18 Dec 2007 23:40:44 -0800
schrieb John Clingan <John.Clingan_at_Sun.COM>:

> Earlier today I updated the GlassFish FAQ entry that describes the
> differences. Hopefully it is more readable now.

Indeed it is, thanks for that. :)

> Whether you are using GlassFish or the SJSAS, the bits are free for
> development and production. After installation, the bits layed down
> on disk by the GlassFish installer are the same as when you install
> the base SJSAS 9.1 bundle.

Yes, that's what I kinda supposed / hoped for / expected things to be.
So in the meantime, we'll stay with glassfish v2 58g simply because
it's already installed and we won't purchase support for our evaluation
system anyhow (except for some JEE development and possibly app server
administration training, but that's another story).

> As Alexis mentions, if you plan to go into production and want to
> purchase support (or purchase support in the future), we recommend
> installing SJSAS on production systems.

So far, we have made the decision to go for JEE, and at the moment
we're about to evaluate what we would need to get there (software,
knowledge, support, along with the work we have to do actually
migrating our applications there). Starting all over with glassfish/Sun
so far actually has never been a decision to question, given quite a
set of good reasons to do so (always on the edge of technology
supporting the latest JDK and Java EE specs, a pleasant working
environment integrated with NetBeans, base packages being available
under a GPL license if required, along with a reliable local partner
offering the whole program of Sun training courses, ...). Deciding
which SLAs would fit in here and/or be required for us to be productive
in a reliable way is part of that evaluation I guess, so probably we'll
get back to some Sun sales rep as soon as we're one step further here.

> This is what we expect a vast majority of SJSAS customers to do, so
> no worries. Since the GlassFish/SJSAS bits are the same, there is
> essentially zero risk in this approach. Let us know if you have any
> additional questions.

I surely will; so far thanks for your support and explanations.


Kristian Rink * *
jab: * icq: 48874445 * fon: ++49 176 2447 2771
"One dreaming alone, it will be only a dream; many dreaming together
is the beginning of a new reality." (Hundertwasser)