Need hint on form behavior

From: Dennis Gesker <>
Date: Wed, 14 Nov 2007 11:25:14 -0700

I have a JSF application that I am attempting to run on
NB6B2/glassfish-v2-b58g which is displaying a behavior different than
it is under glassfish-v2-b50. The face-config.xml and web.xml haven't
changed in anyway. (Should they have jumping from b50 to b58g?).

My JSF page has a command button and a command link. The command
button (session context bean method) updates a data table with data
from a database. The command link (session context bean -->
HttpServletResponse method) exports this data to excel. The problem
occurs when I try the following pattern:

Click on Button --> refresh data
Click on Link --> export data
Click on Button --> export data (instead of refresh data!!!!!)

Could someone give me hint on how to begin trouble shooting this issue?