Beginner : cannont start (and hold) a domain

From: <>
Date: Fri, 02 Nov 2007 23:43:33 PST


I'm trying to start a domain by going to the asadmin application

and entering the command : start-domain domain1
(i just follow the quick start guide)
But when i try to go to localhost:8080 or 4848 nothing is displayed.
I just got a 404 error.
First i thought : well you have put nothing in this domain so i might be normal.
But at least on the admin port there must be something....

When i try to stop the domain i have : The domain isn't running.

When i stop it 1 or 2 after it's been created : the domain is stopped (Domain domain1 stopped)

Here's a log of what's happenning :

asadmin> start-domain domain1
Starting Domain domain1, please wait.
Log redirected to C:\Program Files\glassfish\domains\domain1\logs\server.log.
Redirecting output to C:/Program Files/glassfish/domains/domain1/logs/server.log

Domain domain1 is ready to receive client requests. Additional services are bein
g started in background.
Domain [domain1] is running [Sun Java System Application Server 9.1 (build b58g-
fcs)] with its configuration and logs at: [C:\Program Files\glassfish\domains].
Admin Console is available at [http://localhost:4848].
Use the same port [4848] for "asadmin" commands.
User web applications are available at these URLs:
[http://localhost:8080 https://localhost:8181 ].
Following web-contexts are available:
[/web1 /__wstx-services ].
Standard JMX Clients (like JConsole) can connect to JMXServiceURL:
[service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://855291J:8686/jmxrmi] for domain management purpos
Domain listens on at least following ports for connections:
[8080 8181 4848 3700 3820 3920 8686 ].
Domain does not support application server clusters and other standalone instanc

asadmin> stop-domain domain1
The domain (domain1) isn't running.

Thanks for your help...
[Message sent by forum member 'koolway' (koolway)]