Re: Howto increase the maximum file size

From: Gerald Holl <>
Date: Wed, 28 Nov 2007 12:51:37 +0100 wrote:
> I made an JSF application that used the fileUpload widget.
> When I upload files bigger than 1 MB I get this message from the server:
> sourceId=form1:fileUpload1[severity=(INFO 0), summary=(The specified file exceeds the maximum allowable size of 1.000.000 Mb)
> I believe there is a minor bug in GF that causes it to count bytes instead of MBs (plus a typo in MB(Mb)).
> I guess, for now I can fix this problem by increasing the maximum file size to MB. Where do I make this setting?

Are you using woodstock?
If so, set the following in web.xml:

The value 2097152 is the maximum file size in bytes (= 2 MB).
