Re: ACTION: Feedback and Lessons learned for Glassfish v2

From: Ryan de Laplante <>
Date: Mon, 01 Oct 2007 18:58:18 -0400

Things I like about Sun's open projects:

- I can see the roadmap and know where the products are going
- Sun is not afraid to admit that there are bugs, because the issue
trackers are wide-open for anyone to see.
- My feedback is taken seriously and has often been used
- Bugs I report are often dealt with quickly
- I don't have to wait months for official releases. I can download
nightly builds whenever I want
- Most or all specs ands documents are in the open for me to see and
comment on
- I have been able to learn how Sun manages large projects with many
contributors and apply some of these lessons to the company I work at
- Almost every time I ask a tricky question, a Sun engineer has come to
the rescue with helpful information within hours. I've even had phone
calls, IM chats, and sessions over VNC with Sun employees wanting to
help me use their products.
- The blogs I frequent the most happen to be written by Sun employees
- Since I enjoy Sun's software so much, I have been looking into Sun
hardware and now plan to purchase some.

I can't say that I have any complaints. At least not with the Glassfish
project. There are some projects that seem to be less open, such as
discussions on the graphical tools being developed for JavaFX. I'd like
to know more about these tools, see them, try them, give feedback, etc.

We're now using Glassfish V2 (well, SJSAS 9.1) in production and it has
been working well.


Sridatta Viswanath wrote:
> Hi Developers, Users,
> In the Glassfish v2 release, we tried to follow an open source process
> including request for features, specifications, review of specs,
> development, planning, milestones, meetings and discussions in the
> open. It is your support that made it possible. As the leads of this
> project, we would like to solicit your feedback and lessons learned.
> This will help improve the processes and the project going forward.
> Please reply to this mail with your feedback (both positive and
> constructive). We would like to summarize the findings by Oct 10. So,
> pl reply before Oct 8th.
> thanks
> -Sridatta and Dhiru
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