ACTION: Feedback and Lessons learned for Glassfish v2

From: Sridatta Viswanath <Sridatta.Viswanath_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 01 Oct 2007 14:09:15 -0700

Hi Developers, Users,

In the Glassfish v2 release, we tried to follow an open source process
including request for features, specifications, review of specs,
development, planning, milestones, meetings and discussions in the open.
It is your support that made it possible. As the leads of this project,
we would like to solicit your feedback and lessons learned. This will
help improve the processes and the project going forward.

Please reply to this mail with your feedback (both positive and
constructive). We would like to summarize the findings by Oct 10. So, pl
reply before Oct 8th.

-Sridatta and Dhiru