Re: JBoss SAR replacement

From: Jörg Henne <>
Date: Tue, 25 Sep 2007 10:26:15 +0200

Eduardo Pelegri-Llopart wrote:
> As an addendum to keep in mind for the future, there is also the GFv3
> Service and Component mechanism. It will be a while before there is a
> GFv3-based release equivalent in functionality to SJS AS 9.1, but it
> may be useful for you to know the direction we are moving.
In fact, I found the v3 screencast quite impressive. The modularity
theme for v3 strikes a chord with everyone who has suffered from
ridiculously long startup times for app servers. Although I must say
that the ~10s for the stock GFv2 are already a nice breeze compared to
JBoss 4.

Ryan de Laplante wrote:
> I found this book very helpful when writing a JCA resource adapter.
> The spec is quite large and you'll need a book to help you:
> This book is on the 1.0 spec. For my RA, the main differences between
> 1.0 and 1.5 were in the deployment descriptor. For that information I
> downloaded the 1.5 spec:
Thanks, I'll look into it. We've developed RAs in the past, but always
against the 1.0 spec. The lifecycle and inbound traffic parts of 1.5 are
a most welcome improvement.

Joerg Henne

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