I have searched this forum concerning this issue. While I see others with a similar question, I see very little on a possible solution. Here is my problem statement.
Class 1: Document.java
Class 2: Collection.java
Class 3: CollectionType.java
XRef Table: Document_Collection
A DocumentID may be inside many collections.
A CollectionID may have many documents.
The owner of the relationship is document.java.
The collection table uses 3 fields for defining a Primary Key--Site, Name, and Date. The three fields are Strings.
I am using a SEQUENCE table for generating the unique Ids for each of the primary keys, except the Collection Table. This table is using a CompositePK Class for the Primary Key for the Collection Table.
joinColumns=_at_JoinColumn(name="DC_DOCUMENT_ID", referencedColumnName="DOCUMENT_ID"),
inverseJoinColumns={_at_JoinColumn(name="DC_COLLECTION_ID", referencedColumnName="SITE_ID"),
@JoinColumn(name="DC_COLLECTION_ID", referencedColumnName="NAME"),
@JoinColumn(name="DC_COLLECTION_ID", referencedColumnName="GROUP_DATE")}
public Set<Collection> getCollectionSet() {
return collectionSet;
public Set<Document> getDocumentSet() {
return documentSet;
In the Collection Class it holds a reference to a Collection type.
@GeneratedValue(strategy=GenerationType.TABLE, generator="COLLECTION_TYPE_TBL_GEN")
@Column(name="COLLECTION_TYPE_ID", nullable=false)
public Long getCollectionTypeId() {
return collectionTypeId;
My test application builds the relationship for all the tables, and then attempts to persist the information to the database. When I look at at the log files, I see no errors, but the data is not being populated in the database. When I look at the SEQUENCE Table, I see all entries in the table are being incremented correctly except the Collection_Type sequence--still set to 1. I surmised the Collection Set for the Document_Collection table is not being populated correctly.
My intent is to let TopLink generate the PK, Ids for the objects. This appears to be happening for the one-to-one relationships but not for the ManyToMany relationships. When I build the relationships, I create the collection and CollectionType and add it to a set. This set is added to the Document class. Lastly, I call the persist method on the Entity Manager. The log file shows the sequence number is being generated except for the Collection_Type Sequence. This may not be the correct way, but I did not see the correct steps for accomplishing this operation.
[#|2007-08-27T16:52:03.899-0500|FINE|sun-appserver-pe9.0|oracle.toplink.essentials.file:/C:/glassfish/domains/domain1/applications/j2ee-apps/MyProject/MyEJB_jar/-MYEJBPU.sql|_ThreadID=12;_ThreadName=httpWorkerThread-8080-0;ClassName=null;MethodName=null;_RequestID=22dc7e71-9cef-4824-920f-5b3a2464c1d9;|SELECT SEQ_COUNT FROM SEQUENCE WHERE SEQ_NAME = ?
bind => [URGENCY_SEQ]|#]
This is how I build the Document Entity.
public Document addDocument(Document docVO) {
Document doc = new Document();
DataType dataType = getDataType(docVO.getDataType().getDescription());
UrgencyIndicator urgency = getUrgencyIndicator(docVO.getUrgencyIndicator().getCode());
DocMetaData metadata = getDocMetadata(docVO.getDocMetadata().getStoragePath());
WeaponsSystem weaponsSys = getWeaponsSystem(docVO.getWeaponsSystem().getCode());
FileType fileType = getFileType(docVO.getFileType().getExtension());
Date sqlDate = new Date(new java.util.Date().getTime());
Set<Collection> collectSet = getDocumentCollection("Site", "Name", sqlDate.toString());
return doc;
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
[Message sent by forum member 'russ_ray' (russ_ray)]