First-time injection problem!

From: <>
Date: Thu, 02 Aug 2007 23:25:07 PDT

Hi, all

i have a problem about my enterprise appliaction which contains some ejb 3.0

modules and the java ee server is glassfish v 2.One of ejb module called the

special ejb refers some other ejbs using ejb injection like @EJB.

All the modules are successfully deployed to

the container. So i use a client to test the app.When i invocation the special ejb

for the first time,however,some exceptions occured! And it works well after i

redeploy the special ejb or invocation the special ejb for more times. The

exception is as follows:

EJB5070: Exception creating stateless session bean : [{0}]
com.sun.enterprise.InjectionException: Exception attempting to inject Unresolved Ejb-Ref
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