Darya, maybe you have SAS's bin directory in your PATH before
GlassFish's bin, so you are actually executing SAS's asadmin?
glassfish_at_javadesktop.org wrote:
> Can someone tell me why the heck Java EE 5's Sun App Server 9.1 is taken instead GlassFish :( ?
> [code]
> D:\Programme\glassfish>asadmin start-domain domain1
> Starting Domain domain1, please wait.
> Log redirected to D:\Programme\Sun\Java\J2EE\5\domains\domain1\logs\server.log.
> Redirecting output to D:/Programme/Sun/Java/J2EE/5/domains/domain1/logs/server.log
> Domain domain1 is ready to receive client requests. Additional services are being started in background.
> Domain [domain1] is running [Sun Java System Application Server 9.1 (build b41d-beta2)] with its configuration and logs at: [D:\Programme\Sun\Java\J2EE\5\domains].
> [/code]
> I previously installed Java EE 5 but I don't remember that I started that App Server. And even if I had done, this time as you can see from my command line I start the GlassFish App Server from the GlassFish Home directory as decribed in the quick start documentation.
> So why am I landing on Sun App Server 9.1 and not on the GlassFish App Server ???
> Any hints are welcome :(
> darya
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