Re: Java EE 5 book using GlassFish

From: Ludovic Champenois <Ludovic.Champenois_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 29 May 2007 08:50:47 -0700

Antonio Goncalves wrote:
> Hi everybody,
> I just want to let you know that the book I've written about Java EE 5
> <>
> (using GlassFish) is out. The book is written in french but you will
> find some english content on my personal
> <> web site.

Bravo et felicitations pour la sortie de ton livre.

J'espere que la nombreuse communaute francaise autour de GlassFish
(utilistateurs ou developeurs) se jetera sur cette precieuse resource,

> I want to thank you all for the help I had from this mailing list.
> When I started to think about writing this book (august 2006)
> GlassFish was in early V2beta stage and the Java EE 5 spec were just
> fresh and not always clear. I posted many emails from august till
> january and each time I found a
> response. The book covers the EJB 3, JPA, JMS, WebServices, JSF, JSP and I think I've posted questions on all of them ;o)
> Thanks again. And for those who know how to read french this is what I
> wrote in the ackowledgment paragraph ;o) "Merci à la communauté Java
> et plus particulièrement à la communauté GlassFish qui m'a été d'un
> très grand secours."
> Antonio