Java EE 5 book using GlassFish

From: Antonio Goncalves <>
Date: Tue, 29 May 2007 11:59:10 +0200

Hi everybody,

I just want to let you know that the book I've written about Java EE
GlassFish) is out. The book is written in french but you will find
some english content on my

I want to thank you all for the help I had from this mailing list. When I
started to think about writing this book (august 2006) GlassFish was in
early V2beta stage and the Java EE 5 spec were just fresh and not always
clear. I posted many emails from august till january and each time I found a
response. The book covers the EJB 3, JPA, JMS, WebServices, JSF, JSP
and I think I've posted questions on all of them ;o)

Thanks again. And for those who know how to read french this is what I wrote
in the ackowledgment paragraph ;o) "Merci à la communauté Java et plus
particulièrement à la communauté GlassFish qui m'a été d'un très grand
