jdk dependency problems (ubuntu linux x86)

From: Jason Nerothin <>
Date: Mon, 21 May 2007 16:04:03 -0700

I seem to have gotten myself into an irresolvable situation with JDK

In a nutshell, my system is currently configured with something like the
following dependencies:

Ubuntu 6.06 LTS <- Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 1.6.0-b105,
mixed mode) <- Glassfish (v1 or v2) <- client applications (against some

Unfortunately, the Ubuntu JDK install is a "backport" to a previous version
(which basically replaces the gcj stuff that would otherwise be installed as
the default java flavor). When I attempt to run my client app on the same
machine as GF, the jdk ramps up to >200% CPU on a 4-core machine before
killing my console, blowing up GF (silently - i.e. no logs). After 30s of
silence, logging back in shows no trace of any java process or much aside
from a cryptic jvm.log file in $GF_HOME/domains/domain1/logs/.

Attempting to go back and install JDK5...11 doesn't work due to non-support
of non (-SuSE or -RH) and certain versions of GF will ingloriously fail to
install - apparently for lack of compatibility with a locally-installed Sun

I'd really rather not have to go back to my IT folks and ask for a re-image
if at all possible (in no small part due to the fact that I'm not very fond
of the FC/CentOS flavors available).

Any suggestions?
