Re: JBI OpenESB components location

From: Suresh Potiny <Suresh.Potiny_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 18 May 2007 14:01:13 -0700

We are working making these components be commercially available through our Java CAPS product. Right now, the components we are packaging in Java EE SDK are at Beta quality and will be at production level sometime in October/November time frame. You can get these components from (Click on All downloads in the navigation menu and you should JBI_components.jar under Open ESB runtime section). We don't support Glassfish V1 and these components are available outside the IDE. You can check out the source code and join the community at as well as its subproject, Check them out. Also, you get a faster response on these kinds of queries from


Kenneth Clark wrote:

Hi all


Have the above mention components been released as production ready? We have to implement an ESB and I would like to use the Glassfish stuff. So just a few questions:

1)       Are the components available for version 1 of glassfish?

2)       Are the components available outside the context of an IDE. (if yes, where?)


Thanks everyone


Kenneth Clark
System Architect / Lead Developer

Rabid Dog Laboratories ™
Putting the art back into development

tel:           +27 11 475 7409
mobile:   +27 82 500 5090


Suresh Potiny
Open ESB Community (