Re: Versions to consider - startup company

From: <>
Date: Wed, 02 May 2007 15:21:40 PDT

Thanks for the info, it's great to see this project moving along quickly. I've been evaluating it on-and-off for over a year now and I've hesitated committing to Glassfish entirely because of some issues I had with V1 - which unfortunately, were show-stoppers.

I'd like to determine if V2 will meet the needs of this new company I'm working with simply because; it will be important to follow the spec entirely - this company will eventually be sold to one of the larger companies in the same market space, and all of them use Java in some form, currently.

This new application will need to scale as it will have a public-facing layer and a large administrative (private) layer. The application will facilitate scheduling on a large scale and will be marketed to large corporations. It will be a subscription service and its user-base will grow rapidly in the first year, based on very conservative projections. It won't be clustered at first but will need to be clustered after the app is built and put into a production environment. I am recommending Java EE 5 using JPA/EJB3, JSF 1.2 (RI), and PostgreSQL 8.x on the back-end. We may use Wicket on the front-end since I am more familiar w/ it and find it easier to teach to others - this is the one area I'm willing to break from the standards.

Some of the issues I've encountered in the past which have made me hesitant to adopt Glassfish not only in our current enterprise environment (which currently uses JBoss 4.x):

Problems with PostgreSQL - support in toplink seems immature:

[b]Fetching is limited, compared to JBoss (I realize this isn't in the spec, but it works in JBoss and is wonderfully convenient and *logical*):
**This one is going to be very hard for us to work around, having gotten accustomed to having it work in JBoss.

Issues w/ passing Entities around in Web Services (I realize I don't entirely understand this...but was unable to resolve the issue):

Seriously bad time trying to get SSL working:

...most of the other issues I had pertained to Toplink but I prefer Hibernate and have it working well within Glassfish so those issues are now irrelevant.

I've been using b33 of Glassfish V2 and it seems quite solid, so far. I did a simple jmeter stress-test on it and it held up well for 1 min. w/ 12 concurrent users. I will try boosting that number to see what happens.

In a nutshell, what are the biggest remaining issues with V2 currently? Is it stable "enough" to host some smaller apps in production or are there some rather serious issues to consider? I had some fairly big challenges trying to use V1 and I can't imagine V2, as it stands today, being anything but better?

Thanks for your help!
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