Re: Configuring Client Certificate Authentication for a Web Application

From: Jan Luehe <Jan.Luehe_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 15 May 2007 14:31:25 -0700 wrote On 05/15/07 13:01,:

>Following up to my own question:
>I generated a self signed certificate and imported it into Firefox, then I also imported it into GlassFish.
>I then modified http-listener-2 to require client authentication by clicking on the checkbox labeled "Client Authentication" on the SSL tab. I also added the default s1as certificate nickname. I saved the changes and restarted glassfish.
>The server now requires the certificate from the browser, however it does when trying to access any application through port 8181. I would like to do this only for certain applications.

In this case, do not enforce SSL client authentication at the HTTP
listener level.

Instead, specify CLIENT-CERT as the auth-method in the web.xml of the
that require SSL client authentication.
