Re: In-memory Replication feature (on clusterjsp sample)

From: <>
Date: Wed, 09 May 2007 21:59:54 PDT

Thanks for replay!..
> Are your clustered instances on the same machine?
[b]S: [/b]yes, instances on the same machine (I don't add any node-agents, and use samples prop file)

> you have enough
> memory to support these instances and the DAS ?
[b]S: [/b]I have 2Gb RAM - so it's enough, according to ch4 of "Quick start guide"

> Although the instructions in the document talk about
> using the command
> line, did you happen to use the web admin console
> from the same browser
> that you used to access the app in the various
> instances? There was a
> bug discovered last week on this that was causing
> the browser cookies
> to be messed up with appearance of session data loss.
> Jan committed a
> fix into the nightly builds last week.
[b]S: [/b]yes, browser the same (IE6). But use primarily asant, as described.

> regards
> Shreedhar[b][/b]
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