Re: How does one upload a single servlet

From: Bobby Bissett - Javasoft <Robert.Bissett_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 20 Apr 2007 12:00:40 -0400

> How do folks develop apps with Glassfish, they cannot possibly be
> required to archive their code for every compile...?

Yes, actually. Whether I'm developing with GlassFish or Tomcat, I still
compile and jar up the war file. If you're using an IDE, clicking
"Build" should do both for you and you shouldn't notice the difference.
Or you could use ant to automate these tasks for you. War and jar files
are very useful.

If you're doing everything from the command line, adding one more 'jar
cvf ....' line doesn't sound terribly time-consuming. However, I'd
suggest giving NetBeans a try instead. It's free, it works very well
with GlassFish, Tomcat, and others, and you can make a change to your
servlet, push one button, and it will compile, build the war file,
deploy the war file, and even bring up a browser after that to show you
what happened. You can get it from and there's
a tutorial to get you started here:

There may be more in the tutorial than the simplest possible case, but
the steps are 1) create new web project so you have a place to work, 2)
add a servlet to the project, and 3) press F6 to do everything else.
