Re: problem when trying to apply loadbalancer setting to sun java web server from glasfish console

From: Legolas Woodland <>
Date: Wed, 18 Apr 2007 14:44:15 +0330

please read inline comment

On 4/18/07, Pankaj Jairath <> wrote:
> Hello Legolas,
> Do refer to the following post on the blog -
> Also
> ensure while editing the WebServer config files with Load Balancer
> specific configuration directives, the lines are well formed (no white
> spaces at the start of the line, no breakage of a single directive onto
> multiple lines).

Load balancer works fine because it can direct requests to my glassfish
and also in log file i can see that all instance are healthy or one instance
is not healthy or ...

Problem is that I can not connect to web server from glasfish admin console
in order to save the new configuration that i create for my cluster into web
server loadbalancer.

You imagine that i have created new load balancer in DAS and i want to save
the configuration that i create into load balancer.

can you pelase tell me how i can find instance ssl port?


Also as mentioned earlier, in DAS the port you provide for DAS to
> connect to WS 7.0 needs to be the SSL port of instance on which you have
> installed the Load Balancer.
> Hope this helps.
> regards
> Pankaj
> Legolas Woodland wrote:
> > Hi
> > Thank you for reading my post.
> > I am trying to apply load balancer setting from glassfish applications
> > server console to sun java web server 7.
> > If i create the loadbalancer.xml file and use it myself it works fine.
> > But what i want to do is applying load balancing setting from
> > glassfish to web server.
> >
> > I trid to connect it to web server over several ports like 8989 which
> > is administration console of sun java web server port, 8800,.... and
> > none of the works.
> >
> > It looks like that Application server can not find a web application
> > installed in the web server in order to forward the configuration, can
> > you please let me know what you think?
> >
> > If you think i should use another port, let me know where i should
> > find the port number and if it needs another settings or changes then
> > please let me know the tip.
> >
> > here is the error log of application server when i try to apply load
> > balancer configuration:
> >
> >
> >
> > it looks like that 8989 is the good port to use but it return the
> > error that i include here.
> > I do not know why it look for a lbconfigupdate application, because i
> > do not know whe i can find this web application to deploy it to my
> server.
> >
> >
> >
> > [#|2005-04-18T12:59:
> 13.535+0330|WARNING|sun-appserver9.1||_ThreadID=18
> ;_ThreadName=httpWorkerThread-4848-2;_RequestID=c61c7438-3f62-45f5-88a9-72e146783aed;|Apply
> > changes could not be done for Load balancer [default-load-balancer]
> > due to [The web server which hosts the load balancer returned response
> > "404 Not found" to the apply change request URL
> > Please check the configuration
> > and the SSL certificates.].|#]
> >
> > [#|2005-04-18T12:59:
> 13.535+0330|WARNING|sun-appserver9.1||_ThreadID=18
> ;_ThreadName=httpWorkerThread-4848-2;_RequestID=c61c7438-3f62-45f5-88a9-72e146783aed;|EEADM0221:
> > Auto Apply changes could not be done. Exception detail is null|#]
> >
> > [#|2005-04-18T12:59:
> 13.550+0330|INFO|sun-appserver9.1||_ThreadID=30
> ;_ThreadName=RMI
> > TCP Connection(327)- <>;|
> > RMIClient.getRMIClient: server|#]
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
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