Re: problem when trying to apply loadbalancer setting to sun java web server from glasfish console

From: Pankaj Jairath <Pankaj.Jairath_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 18 Apr 2007 16:32:03 +0530

Hello Legolas,

Do refer to the following post on the blog - Also
ensure while editing the WebServer config files with Load Balancer
specific configuration directives, the lines are well formed (no white
spaces at the start of the line, no breakage of a single directive onto
multiple lines).

Also as mentioned earlier, in DAS the port you provide for DAS to
connect to WS 7.0 needs to be the SSL port of instance on which you have
installed the Load Balancer.

Hope this helps.


Legolas Woodland wrote:

> Hi
> Thank you for reading my post.
> I am trying to apply load balancer setting from glassfish applications
> server console to sun java web server 7.
> If i create the loadbalancer.xml file and use it myself it works fine.
> But what i want to do is applying load balancing setting from
> glassfish to web server.
> I trid to connect it to web server over several ports like 8989 which
> is administration console of sun java web server port, 8800,.... and
> none of the works.
> It looks like that Application server can not find a web application
> installed in the web server in order to forward the configuration, can
> you please let me know what you think?
> If you think i should use another port, let me know where i should
> find the port number and if it needs another settings or changes then
> please let me know the tip.
> here is the error log of application server when i try to apply load
> balancer configuration:
> it looks like that 8989 is the good port to use but it return the
> error that i include here.
> I do not know why it look for a lbconfigupdate application, because i
> do not know whe i can find this web application to deploy it to my server.
> [#|2005-04-18T12:59:13.535+0330|WARNING|sun-appserver9.1||_ThreadID=18;_ThreadName=httpWorkerThread-4848-2;_RequestID=c61c7438-3f62-45f5-88a9-72e146783aed;|Apply
> changes could not be done for Load balancer [default-load-balancer]
> due to [The web server which hosts the load balancer returned response
> "404 Not found" to the apply change request URL
> Please check the configuration
> and the SSL certificates.].|#]
> [#|2005-04-18T12:59:13.535+0330|WARNING|sun-appserver9.1||_ThreadID=18;_ThreadName=httpWorkerThread-4848-2;_RequestID=c61c7438-3f62-45f5-88a9-72e146783aed;|EEADM0221:
> Auto Apply changes could not be done. Exception detail is null|#]
> [#|2005-04-18T12:59:13.550+0330|INFO|sun-appserver9.1||_ThreadID=30;_ThreadName=RMI
> TCP Connection(327)- <>;|
> RMIClient.getRMIClient: server|#]