Re: Web service invocation slow when run from Java Web Start

From: <>
Date: Mon, 09 Apr 2007 09:18:55 PDT


Do you see the same delay when you launch the client (using Java Web Start) for the second (or later) time?

That first launch can be tedious because Java Web Start needs to download the JARs that are needed for the app client container which actually starts your client. You probably noticed this!

I just want to make sure I understand your scenario fully.

Another user reported a similar issue that we were able to reproduce earlier but have not had a chance to investigate fully yet. I tried using the NetBeans profiler to study where the time is being spent, but there seemed to be issues with the way Java Web Start and the app client container deal with class loaders that prevented the NB profiler from helping us much. This was all with a more recent build than you are using. It might be interesting - if you have the time and the interest - if you could try using the NB profiler - or some other of your choosing - to profile both the appclient case and the Java Web Start case.

When I tried this earlier with the NB profiler, I used (for a Windows platform)

set profile="-agentpath:C:\Program Files\netbeans-5.5\profiler1\lib\deployed\jdk15\windows\profilerinterface.dll=C:\Program Files\netbeans-5.5\profiler1\lib,5140"

set JAVAWS_VM_ARGS=%profile%

javaws %profile% <url-to-launch-the-client>

You could accomplish something similar for the appclient case by assigning the environment variable VMARGS to the agentpath setting.

If you try this, please let us know what you find.
[Message sent by forum member 'tjquinn' (tjquinn)]