Re: Evaluating Glassfish

From: Jennifer Chou <Jennifer.Chou_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 09 Jan 2007 21:51:27 -0500

Hi Andrew,

See my comments inline about the 2 problems you saw in the Admin Console.

Andrew May wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm spending some time evaluating Glassfish for use in a future
> project which we intend to use the JavaEE 5 spec. Previously we've
> been using JBoss for J2EE 1.3/1.4 projects.
> I've mostly been using b28 of Glassfish v2 on Linux (b30 since today),
> and whilst I've been largely impressed, I have been having a number of
> problems, both with broken things in the admin interface and problems
> with webservices - I'm just putting together a small little
> application to try out various features.
> Being new to Glassfish I wasn't sure whether it was appropriate for me
> to file a number of bugs without first posting to a mailing list or
> forum. I've yet to get a grasp for the scale or dynamic of the
> community surrounding the project.
> So anyway, here are the issues I've been experiencing, and I'd
> appreciate some advice over whether I should file bugs for these:
> Webservices:
> * Problems deploying a SLSB annotated with @WebService. The problem
> seems to be due to having an overloaded method (error messsage is:
> Request wrapper bean names must be unique and must not clash with
> other generated classes). However, I expected to be able to work
> around that by adding operationName to the @WebMethod annotation, but
> that doesn't help. I'm new to all of this, so possibly it's my
> misunderstanding of webservices rather than a bug.
> * Unable to use wsgen (trying to get more information on the errors
> above) - fails with a large number of warnings/errors due to the
> annotations of my SLSB and then fails with a NPE at
> Calling wsgen like this: wsgen -cp
> build/classes:~/glassfish/lib/javaee.jar music.api.MusicManagerBean
> Admin Console:
> I gathered that there's been a fairly recent switch to JSF for the
> Admin Console - which may be the cause of some of the problems I've hit.
> Here are a couple of specific examples:
> * Test button for webservice includes extra / (e.g.
> http://localhost:8080//MusicManagerService/MusicManager?tester). WSDL
> link has the same problem.
You can file a bug for this. I am aware of that problem. When the
context-root has a '/' in front you will see this problem, but I think
the url should still work?
> * Unable to launch Web Start for a client application (part of an EAR)
> - error is:
> java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException while attempting to
> process a 'beforeCreate' event for 'linksCluster'
> which seems to have been caused by:
> Operation :listReferencees is not found in applications MBean
This looks like a bug. I was able to reproduce the problem. You can go
ahead and file a bug for this.

Yes, we have switched the Admin Console recently to JSF and there may
bugs related to this. If you see other problems in the Admin Console
you can look to see if there is a bug already filed for Admin Console.
Query for type 'DEFECT' and subcategory 'admin_gui'. If it is not
there you can file a bug for it.

> Regards,
> Andrew
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