Evaluating Glassfish

From: Andrew May <>
Date: Tue, 09 Jan 2007 14:35:51 -0500


I'm spending some time evaluating Glassfish for use in a future project which we intend to
use the JavaEE 5 spec. Previously we've been using JBoss for J2EE 1.3/1.4 projects.

I've mostly been using b28 of Glassfish v2 on Linux (b30 since today), and whilst I've
been largely impressed, I have been having a number of problems, both with broken things
in the admin interface and problems with webservices - I'm just putting together a small
little application to try out various features.

Being new to Glassfish I wasn't sure whether it was appropriate for me to file a number of
bugs without first posting to a mailing list or forum. I've yet to get a grasp for the
scale or dynamic of the community surrounding the project.

So anyway, here are the issues I've been experiencing, and I'd appreciate some advice over
whether I should file bugs for these:


* Problems deploying a SLSB annotated with @WebService. The problem seems to be due to
having an overloaded method (error messsage is: Request wrapper bean names must be unique
and must not clash with other generated classes). However, I expected to be able to work
around that by adding operationName to the @WebMethod annotation, but that doesn't help.
I'm new to all of this, so possibly it's my misunderstanding of webservices rather than a bug.

* Unable to use wsgen (trying to get more information on the errors above) - fails with a
large number of warnings/errors due to the annotations of my SLSB and then fails with a
NPE at
Calling wsgen like this: wsgen -cp build/classes:~/glassfish/lib/javaee.jar

Admin Console:

I gathered that there's been a fairly recent switch to JSF for the Admin Console - which
may be the cause of some of the problems I've hit.

Here are a couple of specific examples:

* Test button for webservice includes extra / (e.g.
http://localhost:8080//MusicManagerService/MusicManager?tester). WSDL link has the same

* Unable to launch Web Start for a client application (part of an EAR) - error is:
java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException while attempting to process a 'beforeCreate'
event for 'linksCluster'
which seems to have been caused by:
Operation :listReferencees is not found in applications MBean

